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  1. I got banned on runescape. I was using the account to script and now i can't and im 12 years old so im going to kill myself ok thanks bye
  2. I'm reading an image off of the internet and trying to write it to the user's computer and then read it in future script runs. Is there a class where I can get the storage directory? I'm having trouble writing to their files this used to be my code for it: public static void saveImages() { for (String s : urls) { try { String[] string = s.split("/"); String[] name = string[5].replace(".", "/").split("/"); File outPutFile = new File(Environment.getStorageDirectory() + File.separator + name[0] + ".png"); if (!outPutFile.exists()) { RenderedImage img = getImage(s); ImageIO.write(img, "png", outPutFile); } } catch (IOException e) { } } } public static void loadImage(int idx) { String[] string = urls[idx].split("/"); String[] name = string[5].replace(".", "/").split("/"); File inPutFile = new File(Environment.getStorageDirectory() + File.separator + name[0] + ".png"); if (inPutFile.exists()) { try { images[idx] = ImageIO.read(inPutFile); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } }
  3. To me it's worth it to spend the money because I've created so many good friendships and memories.
  4. We are talking about marijuana you fucking idiot not heroin. I don't intend to be mean but it pisses me off when people say dumb shit like this. Weed isn't even a 'drug'. Try it for yourself and then judge it. You aren't going to overdose on THC and ruin your life...
  5. I'm not sure about your opinions on brands but i've always bought nike cleats before. This year i went different and bought a pair of predators. Never again will i buy anything different. They are more comfortable than any nike cleat i've ever worn and they perform fantastically.
  6. I prefer blunts as well. I don't get too stoned off of joints. Bong over bowl for sure though!
  7. Hey guys! I'm formally from ## and I left the whole runescape scene for a little over a year now. I've just began my college classes and starting next semester I will begin Java classes. I'd like to refresh my mind a little bit so I came back looking for another community to benefit. After looking at a few, this is my favorite botting community i've found and I look to do a lot of scripting for it. Right before I succeeded from ## I was in the making of a script. The script was a fully functioning slayer script that was about 10 tasks away from being complete on a master. After I familiarize myself with the api a bit more i would love to try to port it.
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